= Papywizard Developper Guide = * [#Introduction Introduction] * [#API API] * [#Architecture Architecture] * [#Hardware Hardware] * [#MerlinOrionprotocole Merlin/Orion protocole] * [#MerlinOrioncommandsset Merlin/Orion commands set] * [#MerlinOrioncommunicationexamples Merlin/Orion communication examples] * [#Model Model] * [#View View] * [#OutputXMLfile Output XML file] * [#Distributing Distributing] * [#Debianpackage Debian package] * [#Maemopackage Maemo package] * [#Windowsinstaller Windows installer] * [#Contribute Contribute] * [#Helpcoding Help coding] * [#Testandreportbugs Test and report bugs] * [#Internationalization Internationalization] * [#Thefuture The future] == Introduction == Papywizard is entirely written in python. It uses '''PyGTK''' (Python bindings for GTK) toolkit for the GUI, and a few additional modules, mainly for hardware control, '''pybluez''' and '''pyserial'''. Optionnaly, '''vpython''' (OpenGL-based module) can also be used to simulate the position of the head (note that this will be soon a separate application). == API == You can generate the complete API documentation by running the '''{{{mkdoc.sh}}}''' script; the documentation will then be available as web pages in the {{{tmp/html/}}} directory. == Architecture == Papywizard uses a MVC-like pattern, which keeps the model separated from the views. This allows to use any other toolkit if needed; I recently switched from Tkinter to PyGTK, to run Papywizard on Nokia plateform. I hope, one day, to be able to run Papywizard on QTopia-based devices, like Openmoko. But I first need to get such device ;o) Low-levels routines which control the hardware are also in their own package; I plan to made them even more modular, to be used in an external project to control the head. For know, only Merlin/Orion head is supported, but it is very easy to implement other heads. A word about the simulation (to come). === Hardware === ==== Merlin/Orion protocole ==== The head uses a simple ascii serial protocol; the serial line uses standard settings: 9600 8N1 (9600 bauds, 8 bits data, no parity, 1 stop bit). The head waits for incoming commands, and send response to them. The 2 axis are identical, and uses the same commands. They both wait for incoming commands; depending of the first value (see below), the command will be sent to one or the other axis. A commands always starts with ':', and ends with '\r'. The head response always starts with '=', and also ends with '\r'. As TX/RX lines are wired together, the controller has to first readback its own command, before reading the head response. In the following documentation, the command readback is omitted, as the ':', '=' and '\r' chars. Parameters used in the documentation: ||'''Parameter'''||'''What'''||'''Allowed value'''||'''Format'''||'''Note'''|| ||''''||axis to control||1 or 2||1 ascii digit||1=yaw, 2=pitch axis|| ||''''||position||0 to 2²⁴-1||6 ascii digits, hex.||Low byte is sent first (A35483 is read 8354A3). When switched on, read value is 800000. Right sens increments axis 1; left sens decrements it. Up sens increments axis 2; down decrements it. A complete turn (360°) increments/decrements by 0E6600 (so, the axis can make almost 9 turns before the counter overflow)|| ||''''||axis direction||0 or 1||1 ascii digit||0=increments (up/right), 1=decrements (down/left)|| ||''''||Axis status||||3 ascii digits||Second digit is 0 when axis is stopped|| ||''''||State of the shutter contact||1 ascii digit||0 or 1||0 opens the contact, 1 closes the contact|| === Merlin/Orion commands set === ||'''Function'''||'''Command'''||'''Response'''||'''Note'''|| ||Read axis position||j|||||| ||Read axis status||f|||||| ||Stop moving||L|||||| ||Init (at switch on)||F[[BR]]a[[BR]]D||[[BR]]0E62D3[[BR]]0006F9|||| ||Start moving||L[[BR]]G3[[BR]]I220000[[BR]]J||[[BR]][[BR]][[BR]]||220000 seems to be the divider for the speed. The lower the value, the higher the speed|| ||Drive to position||L[[BR]]G00[[BR]]S[[BR]]J|||||| ||Set shutter contact state||O||||Both axis understand the command, but the contact is only set by yaw (0) axis|| === Merlin/Orion communication examples === When switched on: {{{ command response :F1\r =\r :F2\r =\r :a1\r =D3620E\r :D1\r =F90600\r :a2\r =D3620E\r :D2\r =F90600\r :D2\r =F90600\r }}} ''Note: the last command is sent twice by the original remote control, but all works fine if sent only once (like Papywizard does).'' Push up button in fast mode: {{{ command response :L2\r =\r :G230\r =\r :I2220000\r =\r :J2\r =\r }}} Release up button if fast mode: {{{ command response :L2\r =\r :f2\r =503\r }}} === Model === === View === == Output XML file == Papywizard can generate a xml data file. This file mainly contains all positions reached during shooting, and can be used by Autopano Giga to help positionning orphan pictures. This is very helpfull for high-resolution panos with deep blue sky, without details. Sift algorithm often fail to find control points in such areas. The XML file is made of two parts: a header, containing global informations, and a shoot part, containing a list of all pictures positions. The exact header format depends of the mode. This format is open, and can be used by anyone who wants to implement motorized panohead output data file. Feel free to contact me if you want to add some entries to support special features. The goal is to make some sort of standard format. More informations [http://www.autopano.fr/wiki/action/view/Panohead_XML_data_file here]. == Distributing == === Debian package === There is no debian packager yet. === Maemo package === Papywizard includes an distutils extension script to build maemo debian package in a easy way: {{{ $ python maemo/setup.py bdist_debian }}} === Windows installer === This is a little bit tricky (as always on this plateform!). You first need to install all developpement tools and libraries: * ''TODO'' Then, build the executable, by launching the windows setup script. The easiest is to use [http://ipython.scipy.org Ipython]: {{{ In [1]: run windows/setup.py py2exe }}} Last, run the script {{{windows/papywizard.nsi}}} (need to install NSIS software) to build the installer itself. ''Note: the bluetooth doesn't work on Windows I don't know why, as I'm not really familiar with this plateform.'' == Contribute == There are several ways to contribute: === Help coding === === Test and report bugs === === Internationalization === If you want to contribute but don't know how to code, you can make translation. To do that, you just need to ask me for the corresponding {{{papywizard.po}}} file which contains all sentences and words used in the soft, translate them using [http://www.poedit.net Poedit] (important; don't translate using a simple text editor), and send it back to me. If you are not sure about the usage of a word/sentence, feel free to ask about the context. ''Note: some original strings, extracted from the GUI XML description file, contain spaces at the begining or the end; these extra spaces can be ommited in the translation.'' == The future ==