
Version 2 (modified by Frédéric, 16 years ago) ( diff )


papywizard User Guide

This documentation refers to the release 0.9.1


papywizard is entirely written in python, and uses some third-party modules:


As most distributions come with python and all needed modules (just install them through your application manager), there is no need to pre-build a package. Just install it with distutils tools:

$ python install --prefix=/usr/local


As Nokia is based on Linux, it is possible to install papywizard through distutils tools (see previous section). However, it is easier to install the debian package, through the maemo application manager. Add this repository entry in the application manager:

You also need the python repository:

NameMaemo extra
Distributionbora (770/N800) or chinook (N810)
Componentfree non-free

Note 1: on the 770, you need to install OS-2007 HE firmeware, in order to run python2.5. Then, you have to manually install python2.5-runtime package with dpkg (from x-term) before installing papywizard.

Note 2: on N800 and N810, you first need to install maemo-python-device-env package, from the application manager, before installing papywizard.


No external configuration is needed; all parameters can be modified from papywizard config. menu.

Usage overview

papywizard is very easy to use, and I hope the GUI is intuitive enough.

The first thing to do is to edit the configuration, to reflect you camera/lens/head/hardware config.

Second, you need to connect to the hardware (Menu Hardware > Connect). If you use the bluetooth driver (default config), you need to enter the correct address of your adapter in the config menu (see above).

Then, just move the head either by opening the Manual move dialog, or using the shortcuts (see below), and set the start/end positions. As an alternative, you can automatically set the yaw to 360° and/or the pitch to 180°.

Once it is done, just open the shooting dialog and launch the entire process. That's it!

Reference manual

Main window

  • File > Quit: exit from papywizard
  • Hardware > Connect: connect to the head hardware
  • Hardware > Set origin: set the current position as origin (yaw=0.0°, pitch = 0.0°)
  • Hardware > Reset: reset the head hardware
  • Help > About: show the about dialog


  • Position: current position of the head
  • Start: start shooting position
  • End: end shooting position
  • Total Fov: total shooting field of view
  • Nb picts: shooting number of pictures
  • Real overlap: real shooting overlap


  • Set from current: set the start (end) shotting position from current position
  • Set to 360° (180°): automatically set start/end position to shoot 360° (180°)
  • Configuration: open the config. dialog
  • Manual move...: open the manual move dialog
  • Shoot...: open the shooting dialog

Configuration dialog

Shooting tab

  • Stab. delay: delay to wait before shooting to let the head stablizing
  • Overlap: minimum wanted overlap
  • Orientation: camera orientation on the head

Camera tab

  • Tv: delay to wait for shooting (Tv camera value)
  • Nb picts: number of pictures to take at each position (bracketing)
  • Sensor ratio: ratios to 24x36 sensor size and width/height

Lens tab

  • Focal: real focal / flag for fisheye lens

Hardware tab

  • Driver: hardware driver to use
  • BT device address: bluetooth device address for 'bluetooth' driver
  • Serial port: serial device port for 'serial' driver

Misc tab

  • Logger level: level of informations to log

Manual move dialog


  • Set Start: like Set from current for start position in main window
  • Set End: like Set from current for end position in main window
  • Yaw + / -: move head on yaw axis
  • Pitch + / -: move head on pitch axis
  • Set origin: like menu Hardware > Set origin in main window

Shoot dialog


  • Position: curent position
  • Mosaic: current mosaic position
  • Sequence: current shooting sequence (moving/stabilizing/shooting/idle)
  • Progression: overall progress bar


  • Manual shooting: if checked, automatically go to suspend mode at the end of each move
  • Data file enable: if checkd, write a xml data file for APP
  • Start: start shooting process
  • Suspend: suspend shooting process
  • Stop: stop shooting process

Keyboard shortcuts

papywizard main target is Nokia Internet Tablets, so keyboard shortcuts are dedicated for that plateform (but works fine with normal PC). Here are defined shortcuts:

  • In main window:
No image "Right.png" attached to UserGuide0.9Right Turn the head right (Yaw +)
No image "Left.png" attached to UserGuide0.9LeftTurn the head left (Yaw -)
No image "Up.png" attached to UserGuide0.9UpMove the head up (Pitch +)
No image "Down.png" attached to UserGuide0.9DownMove the head down (Pitch -)
No image "F7-increase.png" attached to UserGuide0.9HomeSet current position as start position
No image "F8-decrease.png" attached to UserGuide0.9EndSet current position as end position
No image "Return.png" attached to UserGuide0.9ReturnOpen shooting dialog
  • In shooting dialog:
No image "Return.png" attached to UserGuide0.9ReturnStart/pause shooting
No image "Escape.png" attached to UserGuide0.9EscapeStop shooting - Return to main window
  • In all dialogs:
No image "F4-menu.png" attached to UserGuide0.9F10Show menu
No image "F5-home.png" attached to UserGuide0.9-Standard maemo behaviour
No image "F6-fullscreen.png" attached to UserGuide0.9F6Toggle fullscreen mode
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