Changes between Version 221 and Version 222 of UserGuideGit

Mar 11, 2011, 9:54:40 AM (14 years ago)



  • UserGuideGit

    v221 v222  
    1111Papywizard is very easy to use, and I hope the GUI is intuitive enough.
    13 The first thing to do is to edit the configuration, to reflect you camera/lens/head/hardware config. Basic settings are the delay to wait after moving (to let the head stop shaking), the delay to wait while shooting (camera Tv value), and the number of pictures to take at each position (bracketing). See below for specific mode settings.
    15 Second, you need to connect to the hardware (Menu ''Hardware > Connect''). If you use the bluetooth driver (default config), you need to enter the correct address of your adapter. Alternatively, you can get a list of all available bluetooth devices arround, and select the correct one.
     13The first thing to do is to edit the configuration, to reflect you camera/lens/head config. Basic settings are the delay to wait after moving (to let the head stop shaking), the delay to wait while shooting (camera Tv value), and the number of pictures to take at each position (bracketing). See below for specific mode settings.
     15Second, you need to select the plugins matching your hardware (menu ''Hardware > Plugins''); you can then connect to the hardware (menu ''Hardware > Connect''). If you use the bluetooth driver (default config), you need to enter the correct address of your adapter. Alternatively, you can get a list of all available bluetooth devices arround, and select the correct one.
    1717Then, just move the head with the GUI arrows, and set the corners position.
    163163==== buttons ====
    165  * '''Mosaic/Preset!''': switch between mosaic and preset mode
     165 * '''!Mosaic/Preset''': switch between mosaic and preset mode
    166166Mosaic tab:
    167167 * '''Corner 0/Yaw/Pitch''': set the first corner of the shooting position from current position (for both, yaw or pitch)
    172172 * '''Name''': template defining all positions
    174  * '''Left/Right! yaw arrows''': move head on yaw axis
    175  * '''Up/Down! pitch arrows''': move head on pitch axis
     174 * '''!Left/Right yaw arrows''': move head on yaw axis
     175 * '''!Up/Down pitch arrows''': move head on pitch axis
    176176 * '''Configuration...''': open the config. dialog
    177177 * '''Shoot...''': open the shooting dialog
    283283 * '''Step-by-step''': if checked, each step (moving, shooting) will need to be validated use the Pause/Resume button
    284284 * '''Start''': start shooting process
    285  * '''Pause/Resume/Step!''': pause/resume/step shooting process
    286  * '''Stop/Finish!''': stop shooting process/reset GUI state
     285 * '''!Pause/Resume/Step''': pause/resume/step shooting process
     286 * '''!Stop/Finish''': stop shooting process/reset GUI state
    287287 * '''Close''': close shooting dialog